A  Message  From  Hope...

First and foremost: we at Hope UMC wish to vocalize the fact that all identities, orientations, and bodies are created in the image of the Divine. We are here to affirm, support, and empower you to live your true and authentic life. You are holy. You are loved. You are simply amazing!

For decades, religion and faith has been utilized as a tool of oppression against LGBTQIA+ individuals. This is a vile and evil use of power that should be denounced by institutions of love and grace. We also recognize that the path of unpacking the past and rebuilding new understandings of faith is hard and tiring. In the age of endless Google results and countless hours of podcasts, finding a place to start can feel overwhelming.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of affirming resources written to help LGBTQIA+ Folks and their loved ones find the Divine within their newly (or not so newly) recognized identities.

Conversation and Connection...

The very first resource is us! Whether you are closeted, newly out, have been out for years, or wish to be a better ally, we are here to talk with you! You can find our contact info here!

The following are podcasts, websites, faith leaders, and books that could be useful to people of all stages of coming out and allyship.

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A Place To Start...

What Does the Bible Say?
Further resources for people who are in the LGBTQ+ community, their allies, and for anyone who wants to learn more: